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Friday, 21 December 2007

Eco Town - Stoughton Estate

A campaign forum of elected councillors from the affected wards met on 17th December to ensure everyone had been briefed, to discuss the situation and how to move an action plan forward to stop the destruction of 4,000 acres of farmland on the Co-op's Stoughton Estate. The Co-op have given the project the name "Pennbury".

In order to run an effective campaign, there is going to be a need for finances to meet the costs of posters, leaflets, car stickers, a local referendum and legal advice etc. A further forum meeting with the local MPs and other councillors is being held on 18th January 2008.

A PUBLIC MEETING is scheduled for Friday 1st February 2008 starting at 7.30pm in the Billesdon Coplow Centre, LE7 9FL.

ACTION you can take now:

Please help defeat this Eco Town proposal by signing the on-line e-petition at the 10 Downing Street web site:

A campaign website has also been setup - keep track of campaign developments at:

Write to:

copying your comments to the local MPs:

All of the above can be written to c/o House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA

Please take action now: final results of the Eco Town competition are expected to be announced in February 2008.

Please pass this information onto anyone else who may be concerned!

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